The Book of Greens & Sages Paint Colors
With few limitations, the green paint color palette makes for a great housemate. While known as a “cool” color, it promotes emotional positivity - supported by the calmness of blue and the optimism of yellow. Green is considered a restorative and rejuvenating paint color, inspired by nature.

Wall: Hemlock MEN7169-5 Trim: Moonlit Snow MEN7045-1 Accent: Oatmeal MEN7145-1
Learn About Green
Green is synonymous with life, nature, and renewal. For interior or exterior home paint palettes, muted variations of green found in healthy foliage and abundant vegetation tend to be the most preferred among homeowners. Green Paint Colors reduce tension, encourage growth, and promote harmony.
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Pittsburgh Paints & Stains Expert Tip
A favorite piece of artwork offers great inspiration for finding your room's color palette.

Wall: Gratitude MEN7172-2 Wall: Moonlit Snow MEN7045-1 Accent: Tweed MEN 7129-5

Wall: Gracious Glow MEN7153-4 Accents: Licorice MEN7195-6; Willow Springs MEN7135-1
Dining Areas and Living Rooms
In modern settings, green paint colors add warmth to contemporary designs. In more classically-styled interiors, green paint colors can minimize stuffiness.
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Pittsburgh Paints & Stains Expert Tip
In rooms where the lighting widely varies, avoid painting with dark colors because this may create dramatic shadows.

Wall: Pine Whisper MEN7189-3 Trim: Willow Springs MEN7135-1 Accents: Gray Glimpse MEN7015-1; Cookie Dough MEN7123-3
Bedrooms and Sunrooms
With their harmonies and easy-going nature, green paint colors can be used in almost any room in the home. Light to mid-tone green paint hues are suitable primary colors for everything from bedrooms to sunrooms, while darker green hues work well as secondary or accent colors.
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Pittsburgh Paints & Stains Expert Tip
Green-on-green harmonies are great choices for exteriors. Be sure to pick paint hues at least two shades apart on a color card, whether light to mid-tone or mid-tone to dark. This will create a depth and dimension of paint color similar to surrounding vegetation.

Siding: Hemlock MEN7169-5 Trim: Oatmeal MEN7145-1 Accents: Tweed MEN7129-5; Bird House Brown MEN7094-6

Siding: Tweed MEN7129-5 Trim: Willow Springs MEN7135-1 Accent: Painted Turtle MEN7193-5
Exterior Green Paint Colors
Green is among the most-loved paint color choices for home exteriors, providing an ample sense of connection to the great outdoors, the surrounding landscapes, and Mother Earth. Natural greens are dominant paint colors in this category.