The Best Paint Colors for Doors
Your doorways can create an aesthetic exclamation point to any room, or it can tie together your home's entire color palette. Painting your interior and entryway doors will only take a small amount of time, but can make a big impact!

Stand-Out Door Paint Colors
The Perfect Pop
For a pop of color, paint your entryway door in Lava Gray as a fresh contrast to the neutral Prairie Dust. This unexpected look will draw interest and create designer appeal.
Explore More Gray Paint Colors
Pittsburgh Paints & Stains Paint Color Tip
The doorway can create a visual balance to any room in your home if every color around it is bright.

Stand-Out Door Paint Colors
Unexpected Sophistication
Add an element of sophistication to your interiors by incorporating a bold paint color on your hallway doors. The deep brown of Black Walnut contrasts with off-white Fog to create a dramatic statement.
See All Brown Paint Colors
Pittsburgh Paints & Stains Paint Color Tip
Adding color to your interior doors creates dimension in your hallways, especially if the color is on the darker side.

Stand-Out Door Paint Colors
A Welcoming First Impression
Make the first impression of your home really count with a warm entryway. Try Gray Frost, an off-white with gray undertones. A color palette of white and gray goes well with a creamy yellow, like Easy On The Eyes, to add a friendly note.
Explore All Purple Paint Colors
Pittsburgh Paints & Stains Paint Color Tip
Constrasting doorway trim paint colors will make the door color more well-defined.

Stand-Out Door Paint Colors
Make A Statement
Mercurial tones down the brightness of Victorian Plum. Conversely, if you have lighter gray or off-white walls in an adjoining room, the darker shade of Mercurial delivers an additional color pop.
View all Yellow Paint Colors
Pittsburgh Paints & Stains Paint Color Tip
Think of each door as an opportunity to add color in an unexpected way.